Our Work

Photo Credit: Alexandre Bonneau-Afroto/ALIMA


Samhita Social Ventures

Providing emergency Covid-19 relief in rural India. Our grant supplied oxygenators to help treat people recovering from Covid-19 in remote areas.

Y-RISE Vaccine Research

Testing new vaccine delivery models to reduce barriers to Covid-19 vaccination in Sierra Leone. Our grant supported research led by Prof. Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University), which found that bringing vaccination teams to rural villages substantially increased uptake.


Combatting child malnutrition, one of the leading causes of child mortality, in Niger and Chad. Our grant supported inpatient and outpatient care for children suffering from malnutrition in urban N’Djamena, Chad, and in rural Mirriah, Niger.

Possible Health

Supporting an innovative community health worker program in rural Nepal. Our grant funded delivery of more than a dozen critical health services, including maternal and child care, in underserved areas.